Latinos in Baseball – Past, Present, and Future

Smithsonian Latino Center Arts & Culture Podcast: “Latinos in Baseball – Past, Present, and Future.” How much is baseball part of our identity as Latinx in the United States?

Patricia Sierra-Sampson, founder of Voice Latina, interviews Margaret Salazar-Porzio, curator of The Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History multi-year collecting initiative, “Latinos and Baseball: In the Barrios and the Big Leagues” and Adrian Burgos, Jr., professor of history at the University of Illinois, baseball historian, and author of “Cuban Star: How One Negro League Owner Changed the Face of Baseball” and “Playing America’s Game: Baseball, Latinos, and the Color Line.”

Generous sponsorship for this program provided by Target

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1 Comment

  1. Grace

    Great podcast. Very informative. I have been a baseball fan all my life but I never knew how rooted baseball was in the latino culture. Proud to hear of the rich history of latinos in baseball here in the US.